Report a big cat sighting

To report a sighting, please complete the form below, or contact us on the following:


Please answer all points with asterisks* and anything else of note

Number of witnesses:
Animal’s activity – What was animal doing? How did it behave?
Witness’ activity at time of sighting (eg. walking, driving, horse riding etc):
How sure it was a big cat? (out of 10)
Colour of animal:
Any key features of animal? (Head, Ears, Tail, etc?):
Animal’s activity – What was animal doing? How did it behave?
Number of animals seen:
Scale of whole animal(s):
Length (nose to rump):
Description of Movement:
Duration of sighting or encounter:
Distance of animal(s) from witness:
Any sounds/vocalisation:
Any other field evidence? eg. footprint, dropping, carcass of prey
Was a dog/horse with you? Did it react?
Witness reaction and emotion at the time…
Name (optional)
Email (optional)
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Please note: your privacy and confidentialty are important to us. Please visit our Privacy Policy page for information about how we store your data

Other people you may wish to report a sighting to: